The Tesla Gen 3 Wall Connector offers Wi-Fi connectivity. When connected to a nearby Wi-Fi network, the Wall Connector can receive firmware updates, allow remote diagnostic access, and track utilization data. However, some users have reported issues with their Tesla wall connector not connecting to Wi-Fi such as, In this article, we will explain the reasons behind this problem, their troubleshooting process, and many more. What is the Tesla Wall Connector? The Tesla Wall Connector is a charging device that can charge your Tesla faster than using a standard outlet or a mobile connector. It has a cable that plugs…
Author: Daniyal Evans
Tesla Sentry Mode is a feature that allows you to monitor your parked locked vehicle’s surroundings. It utilizes the vehicle’s cameras and sensors to detect potential risks and alert the driver. Tesla Sentry Mode is disabled by default. However, you can set Tesla Sentry Mode to always be on automatically when the Tesla is parked and locked. Read this article fully to learn more about Tesla Sentry Mode always on. Tesla Sentry Mode is a security feature that uses car cameras and sensors to monitor parked surroundings. Quick Glance What is Tesla Sentry Mode? Tesla Sentry Mode is a security…
Electric cars are often marketed as the solution to the environmental and economic problems caused by fossil fuel-powered vehicles. They offer the potential to diminish greenhouse gas emissions, decrease fuel expenses, and enhance air quality. But do they truly live up to their claims? Or are they just another marketing gimmick that hides some serious disadvantages? Electric vehicles (EVs) may seem like a green and futuristic alternative to conventional vehicles, but they are not without their drawbacks. 20 Reasons Not to Buy an Electric Car Here in below, we will explore 20 factors that you may want to consider before…
If you’re a Tesla Model 3 owner considering door replacement, it’s crucial to delve into the intricacies of the process and the factors that contribute to its cost. Key points: A range of $2,500-$6,500 is possible for the replacement cost, depending on the specifics of the situation. Why Would You Require A Tesla Door Replacement? You might need a Tesla door replacement for more than one reason. One of the most common reasons is damage to the door from a crash or other accident. This could mean dents, scratches, or damage so bad that the whole door needs to be…
All Tesla cars come with a front and rear “Screen” which is commonly known as a “Touchscreen” and helps drivers navigate or control several features during drives. Unfortunately, Tesla screens can also damage or crack with time, and replacing them won’t be cheap. Replacing Tesla screens may cost on average between $1,300 and $1,500. How Does the Tesla Screen Work? Before getting into the costing details, if you’re a new Tesla owner who isn’t sure what to do with the Screen, you should check out the following tutorial to learn how your Tesla’s touchscreen works and how to utilize it…
As Tesla enthusiasts, understanding potential signs of drive unit failure is vital for uninterrupted driving pleasure. This article delves into the Tesla drive unit failure symptoms, decoding subtle cues like odd sounds, power loss, and warning lights. Common Tesla Drive Unit Failure Symptoms If you own a Tesla, it’s important to understand the common symptoms of drive unit failure to avoid potential safety hazards and costly repairs. Here are some common signs that may indicate a drive unit failure: SymptomDescriptionUnusual NoisesOdd sounds such as grinding, whining, or clicking from under the vehicle may indicate a problem with the drive unit.…
As soon as Tesla started shipping new Model Y cars with Matrix headlights, Tesla has been generating quite a buzz for all the good reasons. Quick Glance: If you’re also curious and want to know more about Matrix headlights on Tesla Model Y to find out what makes them stand out so much, keep reading the article What Is the Matrix Headlight and What’re the Features of It? The Matrix headlights on its Model Y are also commonly referred to as “Adaptive Headlights” and “Smart or Intelligent headlights.” This Matrix lighting system creates a highly customizable and dynamic lighting pattern.…
Your eTesla’s “Charge Port Latch Not Engaged” notification can be concerning, especially if you’re trying to charge the car. It’s a warning that occurs when you haven’t probably kept the EV charging port in place properly. Also, there might be a software glitch occurring which is delaying the charging procedure from beginning or finishing. Close and reopen the charging port door manually to make sure it latches securely. When the touchscreen restarts, push both steering wheel scroll buttons to execute a hard reset if the issue doesn’t go away. What Does It Mean When a Tesla Displays “Charge Port Latch Not Engaged”? When a…
Tesla low voltage battery warning is one such issue that the customers may run into. Users may be experiencing this problem as a result of a weak 12V auxiliary battery, extended periods of inactivity, and other factors. To fix this issue, you can recharge the battery, or replace the battery. But this is not the end of the solution. Let’s get to know everything in detail through this article. What Causes Low Voltage Battery Warning And How To Fix It? There are various reasons why your Tesla is showing a Low Voltage Battery Warning, all of which have an impact on the…
Tesla has been at the forefront of changing the industry with its impressive mileage and performance range. But do you know which Tesla has achieved the highest mileage with its original batteries? This article will explore how to achieve highest mileage tesla with original battery. Quick Glance:Hansjörg Gemmingen set an all-time high in 2019 by traveling 990,000 miles on the Model S with the original battery.California-based ride-hailing service “Tesloop” reported driving the 2016 Tesla X 90D “Deuxy” 350,000 miles.”InsideEVs” stated that someone drove 420,000 miles on a Tesla S in 2018. Bjørn Nyland drove 452,800 miles on a 2013 Tesla…